Tuesday 21 May 2013

Project Three - Beautiful Addiction.

Project Three - Beautiful Addiction. Click on them for a disappointingly small, larger image. Or maybe it's just me, I am on a 11inch laptop!

Monday 18 March 2013

Tuesday 26 February 2013

Where has my pencil gone?

PechaKucha in dundee tonight, which was the 5th of the events that have been spread over the last few years and encourages local creatives to discuss their creative practise and to help connect the creative dots across Dundee, and they had free pencils! Florescent yellow V&A at Dundee pencils. Love a free pencil especially since this happened last time I tried to do some work.

What is he making in there?

Interesting piece of work in progress. Very excited as to where this will lead as I currently do not know.